Thursday, April 14, 2011

Class Minutes: Thurs. April 14th

1. We started a review booklet for our Act I-II quiz on Monday.
2. Also, due Monday is the sociogram for Macbeth, which we modelled on the board with Lord of the Flies characters
3. We completed a text to text chart comparing Lord of the Flies and Macbeth on microcosm, pathetic fallacy, and hubris.
4. Then, you selected one of the terms in the T-chart and wrote a C&C thesis statement, using the term as your common subject. The t-chart and thesis were stapled together and handed in at the end of class.
5. HW: study for quiz, use review booklet and create a sociogram
6. Don't forget about the forum post
7. I've registered Gabe, Isi, Sophia, and Claudia in the poetry slam. Either join them or support them at the Coquitlam Public Library (across the street from Centennial- 575 Poirier Street), Thursday, April 28th from 7-8pm. $$$ prizes

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