Friday, April 8, 2011

Class Minutes: Mon. Apr. 4th and Wed. Apr. 6th

1. Write Macbeth character sketch paragraph and peer edit with post-it notes
2. Venn diagram of Banquo vs. Macbeth
3. Watch: This is Macbeth interview between the two friends (link posted on Moodle)
4. Think-pair-share: In what ways is Banquo a character foil to Macbeth? And, why?
5. Read the handout on important terms in Macbeth
HW: Read I.v-vii

1. Complete chart on Language Tools in Macbeth
2. Read Act I notes (posted on Moodle)
3. Write a compare & contrast thesis statement on Macbeth and "We Wear the Mask"
4. Forum question is posted on Moodle- if you reply intelligently, you can earn bonus marks
HW: Read II.i-v and complete the Lady Macbeth persuasion chart

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