Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Class Minutes: Tuesday, November 9th

Today we reviewed how to write Compare and Contrast thesis statements. We created a Venn diagram of an Oreo vs. a Ritz and together came up with the thesis:

Oreo and Ritz are both delicious snacks. However, Oreo is a sweet dessert, while Ritz is a salty appetizer.

We then created a thesis based on a subject common to our short stories: oppression. We came up with the following thesis:

In the short stories, "The Painted Door," and, "The Yellow Wallpaper," by Sinclair Ross and Charlotter Perkins Gilman, respectively, the authors suggest that oppression leads to self-destruction. However, in "The Painted Door," Ann oppressess her own internal feelings, while in, "The Yellow Wallpaper," the protagonist is oppressed by the external force of social expectations.

Then, I gave the class time to revise their C&C thesis statements on isolation and loyalty.

Then, I handed back the setting paragraphs on "The Painted Door." Assignment logs and Independent Correction sheets were completed.

Finally, a worksheet titled, "Three Degrees of..." was assigned. It asks you to consdier one of the prevailing subjects of the unit and its applications to your life and the real world. Please finish for homework.

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