Monday, May 30, 2011

Class Minutes: Monday, May 30th

1. We started with a prayer, which was a youtube video about the tragedy of war, markedly the delusion of the enemy as "other" than us, the lost generation, and the disappointment of authority figures who are supposed to protect. You can watch it again on the post above.
2. Wrote our first poetry terms quiz: class average was 61%; we need 80%
3. Collected the dramatic irony Macbeth multi
4. Went over the us vs. them discussion questions
5. Read Thomas Hardy's, "The Man He Killed," and wrote a C&C thesis with All Quiet
6. Discussed the episode with the French girls. It's important because:
a. it reveals the carpe diem attitude the boys adopted in the face of death
b. it reminds readers that these soldiers are just young, inexperienced, goofy kids who have yet to experience life
c. the inability to communicate with the girls is paralleled in their inability to communicate the horrors of the war to their families and loved ones. They become a lost generation...lost from others, lost from their previous lives. We'll talk more about this next class, after you've read the home visit excerpt.
7. We discussed the symbolism of the poplars and butterfly. They represent beauty. Paul knows beauty exists in the world, but feels it's not meant for him, which adds to his growing sense of hopelessness. See Moodle notes.
8. Read the home visit excerpt and study your poetry terms for next class.

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