Monday, May 30, 2011

Rise Against - Hero Of War

Class Minutes: Monday, May 30th

1. We started with a prayer, which was a youtube video about the tragedy of war, markedly the delusion of the enemy as "other" than us, the lost generation, and the disappointment of authority figures who are supposed to protect. You can watch it again on the post above.
2. Wrote our first poetry terms quiz: class average was 61%; we need 80%
3. Collected the dramatic irony Macbeth multi
4. Went over the us vs. them discussion questions
5. Read Thomas Hardy's, "The Man He Killed," and wrote a C&C thesis with All Quiet
6. Discussed the episode with the French girls. It's important because:
a. it reveals the carpe diem attitude the boys adopted in the face of death
b. it reminds readers that these soldiers are just young, inexperienced, goofy kids who have yet to experience life
c. the inability to communicate with the girls is paralleled in their inability to communicate the horrors of the war to their families and loved ones. They become a lost generation...lost from others, lost from their previous lives. We'll talk more about this next class, after you've read the home visit excerpt.
7. We discussed the symbolism of the poplars and butterfly. They represent beauty. Paul knows beauty exists in the world, but feels it's not meant for him, which adds to his growing sense of hopelessness. See Moodle notes.
8. Read the home visit excerpt and study your poetry terms for next class.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Class Minutes: Thursday, May 26th

1. Class discussion on authority figures
2. Collected Kantorek and Himmelstoss flow charts
3. Discussed the concept of "otherness"
3. Listened to David Sedaris on This American Life re: Christmas traditions
4. Discussed the us vs. them mentality as it applies to war
5. HW: Prep for discussion questions on us vs them. and the French girls
6. Poetry quiz next day

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Class Minutes: Tues. May 24th

1. Dramatic irony essay was assigned as a take home assignment, due Monday, May 30th
2. Mr. Street shared some WWI paraphernalia
3. We watched clips of All Quiet on the Western Front, which emphasize the futility of trench warfare
4. We discussed the Existentialism discussion questions and peer assessed each other on our speaking and listening skills with 2 Stars and a Wish
5. Complete the character flow chart for Kantorek and Himmelstoss
6. Prep your response to the "authority" discussion questions
7. Read excerpts on the shell hole experience and the Russian POWs

The first poetry terms quiz has been postponed until next class.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Class Mintutes: Wed. May 18th

1. Collected Macbeth texts and handed out All Quiet on the Western Front novels.
2. Intro slides on WWI and trench warfare
3. Handout on Historical background info
4. Read, "Paper Cuts," and answered and discussed following questions
5. Read excerpts on existentialism and answered 3 questions as preparation for next class's discussion
6. Study poetic terms handout for review poetry terms quiz next class
7. Read excerpts on the failure of authority figures next day
8. Use handout on characters as a reference and guide in your reading


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Class Minutes: Thurs. May 12th

A number of students were away. The assignment from today is due on Wed. May 18th.
You have a choice to either:

a. write a motif paragraph (use the worksheet you used while practicing with the on-line concordances)
b. create a Glogster page and either email it to me or share it on our blog at:

I've posted a sample Glogster on the blog that I made. It's fairly user friendly and easy to navigate. You'll have to create an account, but it's free. Stick to the emo and goth designs as they are most appropriate for Macbeth.

The link to Glogster is on the blog under Sites of Interest (as are the conconcordanes) as well as on Moodle. The criteria sheet for Glogster and motif paragraph assignment are both on Moodle.

Next class, you'll be writing the dramatic irony essay in full. You have all 70 minutes, but it must be finished in that time. You will not be able to finish it after school etc. It's important that you practice a timed write with the final exam coming up. So, bring your prepared outlines to class. The more you have done ahead of time (thesis, select quotes, know the references...), the less time you'll need in class.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Class Mintues: Friday, May 6th

1. Discuss Lady Macbeth, "Then and Now" and her changing attitudes. She's done a 180 degree turn since Act I.
2. Listen to the rest of Act V on ipod, pausing to discuss key points.
3. Homework: outline for an essay on Shakespeare's use of dramatic irony in the play.

Class Minutes: Wed. May 4th

1. Hand back marked work and update portfolios.
2. Watch and discuss Prezi picture summary of Act IV
3. Self check Act IV comprehension questions with provided key
4. Listen to Act V.i, the sleepwalking scene
5. Complete the first column of the text-to-film t-chart worksheet
6. Watch the sleepwalking scene on film
7. Complete the text-to-film t-chart
8. Use Shakespeare on-line concordances to prepare for motif paragraph (complete worksheet)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Mon. April 18th:
Collected sociogram
Went over the review sheet for Acts 1-2
Read and discussed the Act 2 notes
Wrote Act 1-2 quiz
Continued reading (III.i-iii)
Finish reading Act III for homework

Wed. April 20th:
Mrs. Wall was away.
We wrote the pathetic fallacy paragraph
Read theme notes and filled in the blanks (TOC went over with key)


Tues. April 26th:
Daily focus questions: respond and discuss
a. Who is the third murderer?
b. How has Macbeth's attitude toward death changed?
Act III notes: read and discuss
Read Act IV.i and perform a choral reading (play the parts of witches, owls, wind, dogs, and lightning)
Finish reading Act IV.i

Thurs. April 28th:
Act III quiz
T-chart of film vs. text of Macbeth's second meeting with the witches
Watch the film clip and complete the T-chart
Read Act IV, ii-iii and do comprehension questions

Monday, May 2nd:
Text framing notes on Act IV
Go over student thesis samples: mark with rubric & discuss strengths and weaknesses