Thursday, February 24, 2011

Class Minutes: Tues. Feb. 22nd

We started the poetry unit today by:
1. Watching Taylor Mali's, "Totally, Like, Whatever" slam (see post below)
2. We introduced the essential question: What's more important, what you say or how you say it.
3. Discussed essential question with a TPS
4. We discussed the Spoken Word genre and biography of Shane Koyczan
5. We discussed the effective speaking techniques he used and, in pairs, created ACROSTIC poems, incorporating the criteria, for SPEAKING. The poems were posted on the walls of the classroom.
6. We discussed and read our Performance poetry rubric
7. Ticket out the door: What matters to you? Three things.
8. Homework: Bring in your favourite poem (appropriate for an in-class reading and/or written explication). Be able to defend your choice.

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