Thursday, February 24, 2011

Class Minutes: Thurs. Feb. 24th

1. Played the, "Don't say duh" game. Everyone got a turn to perform a one-minute speech on a randomly selected topic.
2. Students were given a poem with which to practice small group spoken word poetry performances. Peer assessment with rubric.
3. Watched professional slam and discussed its effectiveness.
4. Paragraph explication on Monday!

Class Minutes: Tues. Feb. 22nd

We started the poetry unit today by:
1. Watching Taylor Mali's, "Totally, Like, Whatever" slam (see post below)
2. We introduced the essential question: What's more important, what you say or how you say it.
3. Discussed essential question with a TPS
4. We discussed the Spoken Word genre and biography of Shane Koyczan
5. We discussed the effective speaking techniques he used and, in pairs, created ACROSTIC poems, incorporating the criteria, for SPEAKING. The poems were posted on the walls of the classroom.
6. We discussed and read our Performance poetry rubric
7. Ticket out the door: What matters to you? Three things.
8. Homework: Bring in your favourite poem (appropriate for an in-class reading and/or written explication). Be able to defend your choice.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Poetry Intro

Typography from Ronnie Bruce on Vimeo.

Class Minutes: Feb 10th and Feb 18th

Mrs. Wall checked the Reseach guides and PC outlines for completion and accuracy. Once approved, students wrote the multi-paragraph PC. They were returned the next class with feedback and a highlighted rubric. Students completed an assignment log and independent correction sheet before doing STAR revisions and handing back in. We'll be starting poetry next class- Tues. Feb. 22nd.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Class Minutes: February 4th and 8th

We watched the "Lord of the Flies" movie and completed the accompanying review sheet.
We started research on our PC based on the essential question: How do individuals fight injustice and corruption in society?
Romeo Dallaire will be one source of evidence, but you can choose another figure of your choice. Biographies and famous quotes were provided for: Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, and Atticus Finch.
Please complete the research guide and PC outline before coming to class on Thurs. Feb. 10th, so you will be prepared to write the in-class PC.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Class Minutes: Mon. Jan. 31st and Wed. Feb. 2nd

Since we've been back from exam week, we've:
1. Gone over our marked exams
2. Begun an parallel study to Lord of the Flies with an investigation of the Rwandan genocide. See Essential questions and Theme layers worksheets as well as the film (Ghosts of Rwanda)clip T-chart.