Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Class Minutes: Tuesday, Dec. 8th and 14th

On Wed. Dec. 8th you had a TOC.
1. Did a Think, pair, share (TPS) on questions based on chapter 5.
2. Read chapter 6 as a class
3. Completed the "Important Quotes So Far" worksheet.

On the 14th, after prayer, we:
1. Wrote a partner, multiple choice, chapter 1-7 quiz
2. Then, we analyzed an image of a three-headed creature and discussed the roles of the id, ego, and superego according to Freud's model of the mind
3. Then, we matched the id, ego, and superego to characters in the novel
4. We took notes on political allegory
5. We started an outline (due. Thurs.) on the how Golding uses political and psychological allegory to make a comment on the nature of humanity.
6. We'll be writing the multi on Thursday.

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