Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Class Minutes: Tuesday, January 18th, 2011

Today was our final class before the exam. We:
1. Handed in our acrostic poems
2. Updated our Assignment logs with the returned Allegory multi, rubric, and 6 sample
3. Played a symbol and motif review game using our symbol trading cards. It's similar to Apples to Apples
4. We went over how to write thesis statements with focussed and interesting plans and developments. We revised three student samples, which are posted on Moodle. Adding modifiers is an easy way to move your writing from a rubric 4 to 6.
5. I handed out some review questions to use for home study
6. I posted the Intensely Important quotes key on Moodle, along with all the chapter notes, etc.

Good luck on the mid year. I know you can do it!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Class Minutes: Wednesday, January 12th

1. Collected themes worksheet
2. Went over sample of the Ch 10 Word Scramble, which was handed back along with the Evolution of the Beast worksheet
3. Discussed Ch 11 with notes
4. Tried a word scramble again with ch 11 vocab
5. Discussed Ch 12 with notes
6. Wrote Ch 8-12 Quiz
7. Everyone was assigned one "intensely important quote" to analyze and present next day
8. Homework: Acrostic poem (see handout for instructions)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Class Minutes: Monday, Jan. 10th

Today was a busy class of lots of little things to do, including:
1. Hand in your Evolution of the Beast Sheet
2. Self- check with answer key (on Moodle) the symbolism of the character names
3. Do a Word Scramble reading check of Ch. 10
4. Sort work that was handed back
5. Go over answer key to the Ch 1-7 partner quiz
6. Go over exam outline/study guide
7. Complete the Traffic Light Self-Assessment to focus your review
8. HW: Finish reading the novel Ch11-12. There will be a ch. 8-12 quiz next class
and Complete the Themes worksheet.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Class Minutes: Jan. 6th, 2011

Today we:
1. Handed in our symbol trading cards
2. Completed a chapter 9 text framing worksheet
3. Filled out an assignment log row for the returned revisions of the setting paragraphs
4. Paralled Simon and Christ in T-chart worksheet
5. Worked on a question sheet pertaining to the symbolic nature of other character names
6. Filled out an "Evolution of the Beast" chart
HW: all worksheets and the reading of chapter 10 is due for Monday

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Class Minutes: Tues. Jan. 4th

1. Review chapter 7 summaries and observations

2. Read chapter 8 dicussing:
a. the reduction of the conch to a white blob
b. Jack's childish behaviour when he leaves the tribe
c. Piggy's new found confidence when the threat of Jack is removed
d. the hunting of the sow through the rape imagery and diction
e. Maurice's baptism by blood
f. Simon's conversation with the Lord of the Flies

3. Assignment of Symbol Trading cards (4 of your choice due Thurs.)

Class Mintues: Thurs. Dec. 16th

Write in-class multi on psychological and political allegory in Lord of the Flies.

Class Minutes: Tues. Dec. 14th

1. Partner ch 1-7 Quiz
2. Allegory lesson and discussion
3. Multi outline